We may not win the battle of identifying all of the criminals of 9/11 but that should not surprise us.
The criminals of 9/11, the Kennedy brother murders and other events are merely a faction that uses the power of the government without authority. And they use that power to stay outside of anyone's reach.
Official theories have been given to us by the faction, their enablers in politics and the media. Most of the public readily accept them because the same people who propose the official theory have control over opposition to it.
These theories never go before a court of law and become subject to cross-examination. The chosen forum for the theories, the mainstream media of television, radio, etc. simply deliver the news given (i.e. what is official) and not critique of this news.
As a result, the burden of proof to the average member of the public runs low, to the point of plausibility. Those of us who demand a higher burden of proof will keep banging our heads against this wall as long as the official theories reach us in the manner they do.
We may not win the battle of identifying all of the criminals of 9/11 but that should not surprise us. We have engaged in a game without rules, teams or a finish line.
All is not lost. Thanks to those who have raised and even answered questions about controversial events have inspired awareness that the public does not always receive the truth. We are now more than ever likely to seek information about a wide range of topics, such as medicine, food, and history.
We should all continue to seek the information we need to help ourselves and to help the society in which we live. The real game of creating a society that outs the criminal faction will be won by those who take the time to educate themselves about anything they think matters.