The most relevant facts about 9/11 are already known to those who have been willing to make a serious, objective investigation of them. Here they are:
Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were not involved and were instead framed. (The “confession” tapes were faked and the FBI has never placed bin Laden on its wanted list for 9/11!)
Objects other than the announced planes struck the World Trade Centers 1 and 2, the Pentagon and Shanksville. (No one has ever traced any of the debris from the scenes to any of the planes, which could be done through serial numbers)
Members of our government and other powerful people framed “radical Muslims” and engineered and covered up the crimes. (If the Muslims are innocent, who else but those who accused them could be complicit?)
What is the significance of these facts?
We’ve been lied to.
The people who did it got away with it and are still around.
It could happen again as the perpetrators have impunity.
There is no battle to find out what happened. There are facts that have been uncovered. The battle is between those who promote the facts and those who obscure them.
To understand this conflict, picture a forest full of trees. Trees with gold ribbons wrapped around them represent the facts uncovered.
Now picture a large group of people, with an agenda besides the truth, armed with gold ribbons. They wrap the ribbons over so many of the remaining trees that anyone who walks through the forest will have trouble discerning the facts, including the three mentioned above.
OK, now that you have the picture, you can begin to understand why most people believe the official theory. Here is how the battle plays out:
Arguments flare up over issues that cannot be easily resolved.
Consider the debate over what brought down World Trade Center 1 and World Trade Center 2. Most people (myself included) lack the expertise to explain how impact, fire and oil affect buildings and what the consequences are of the use of explosives.
The result – the debate goes on endlessly. Those who support the official point of view tell dissenters the burden of proof is on them. From a layperson’s point of view, no one “wins.”
And, the massive attention to these kinds of issues diminishes attention to other issues that could more easily refute the official theory, like the framing of bin Laden and the use of airplanes.
If there really were a unified truth movement, the following questions would be foremost:
If you knew that the bin Laden tapes were fake or that the FBI never had “hard evidence” on him for 9/11, would you support the official theory?
If you knew that Flights 11, 175, 77 and 93 never struck anything that day, would you support the official theory?
If you knew that officials like New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani ordered the premature clean up of a crime scene, would you support the official theory?
Despite the evidence against the official theory, no one in power ever challenges it. When leaders buy and sell a lie, don’t think for a minute that they are capable of acknowledging the truth.
Don’t fall for the 9/11 truth movement. Seek instead the truth until it becomes as obvious as the air you breathe. Those on the inside conducted these crimes.
The question now is what will we do about it?