The brave passengers on Flight 93
Four hijackings
Nineteen members of Al-Qaeda
Planes hitting the towers
Crazy conspiracy theories debunked
Here is the truth:
Flight 93 (aka United 93) on September 11 flew toward the West Coast long after its alleged "crash". There have never been any passengers verified for this flight, let alone anyone fighting hijackers.
There were no hijackings on September 11. Two of the flights alleged to have been hijacked NEVER EVEN TOOK OFF!
As there were no hijackings, there were no hijackings, let alone hijackings by Al-Qaeda.
No passenger planes hit anything that day.
People like me feel "crazy" listening to lies told by the media.
Source: Planes without Passengers (2nd edition) and Rumors Fly, Truth Walks, both by Dean T. Hartwell