Read the articles here:
9/11: Planes/No Planes and "Video Fakery" by Fetzer makes the case against the use of passenger planes as weapons on 9/11 as clear as I have ever seen. It also shows how fakery was used to deceive a gullible public.
9/11: The Official Account of the Pentagon Attack is a Fantasy by Cimino and Fetzer tells us the true story of what happened at the Pentagon by knocking out the official story.
The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What Happened to Flight 93? by Hartwell and Fetzer answers that perplexing question with the use of circumstantial evidence and logic.
Forget about the official theory. It has been "sacked" by this blitz of essays and the ball is loose! Come to the Vancouver Hearings and watch the whole team score a touchdown!