Killtown: Shanksville
Flight 93 Photo Fraud
Hoodwinked at Shanksville
Killtown will join Dean Hartwell on the "D'Anne Burley Show" today here at 4:00 PM Pacific Time. Here are links that the two will refer to during their discussion:
Killtown: Shanksville Flight 93 Photo Fraud Hoodwinked at Shanksville
Victor Thorn interviewed Dean Hartwell for the Special 9/11 Edition of the American Free Press. The two discussed the planes and passengers of 9/11 and Hartwell's theory of no hijackers as articulated in his book Planes without Passengers. Here is an excerpt of the story that Thorn wrote.
Killtown, who made an appearance with Jim Fetzer on September 2 on the "D'Anne Burley Show," will be back this Friday! He will discuss the evidence that the official theory of what happened at Shanksville on 9/11 is wrong. Click here to get to the link for the show!
Bob Fox spoke on the September 9 "D'Anne Burley Show" about why Green Bay Packer legend Jerry Kramer should be in the Hall of Fame. Go to this link to find out more!
Bill Giltner talked about a new website he put up especially for the show. You can find that site here! Next week: 9/23/11 - Killtown Returns to Talk about Shanksville! Click here "Seven Questions for 9/11 'Planers'"
Do you believe that the use of planes on September 11, 2001, specifically Flights 11, 175, 77 and 93, has been proven? If so, please answer these questions: 1) Are you aware of videotape footage from surveillance cameras that show any of the passengers at any of the airports in question? (Authenticity, in the form of date and time stamping, for instance, is crucial). 2) Are you aware of any plane parts (found at the crime scenes) that have been traced back to any of the planes said to have been used that day? 3) Are you aware of any videotapes that show a plane striking the Pentagon? 4) Are you sure that cell phone calls could have been made from the altitudes the planes supposedly reached on the flights? 5) Do you believe anyone could take an air phone from the back of a plane seat to the back of the airplane, as is suggested in one of the allegations of Barbara Olson’s phone calls? 6) Are you aware of any phone bills that show alleged passengers as having called during the times of the alleged flights? 7) Are you aware that the original Bureau of Transportation records indicate that Flights 175 and 93 took off on September 11, 2001 but that Flight 11 and 77 did not take off and were not even scheduled for flight that day? The lack of satisfactory answers to these and other questions keeps me on the side of the “no planers.” If there had been passenger planes that struck the buildings as stated, there would be ready answers to questions #1 - #3. Airports keep surveillance tapes, investigators should have been able to locate plane pieces traceable to the planes and the Pentagon has had numerous cameras pointed at it around the clock! And whether a “planer” believes that cell phones or air phones (or both) were used on the planes, there should be proof of calls available to answer #6. As for #7, original records showing that all four flights were scheduled and took off should be available as well. In the City of the Sheep, a company named The Corporation manufactured fire extinguishers.
The extinguishers came in all different sizes. Whenever a fire broke out in the City, the fire department brought out The Corporation’s extinguishers to put out the fires. The City paid the Corporation handsomely every time the fire alarms went off. The leaders of the corporation became rich. But it wasn’t enough. The CEO of The Corporation wanted more for his shareholders and officers. He talked to a friend on the fire department. He told the friend that if he started a few fires “here and there” he would pay him well. The friend knew this was wrong but… He had a mortgage to pay and kids to send to college. So he accepted the deal. The friend learned to start fires in such a way as to leave no trace as to who started it. He also learned to start fires so as to blame other people. But he was having trouble doing his job and doing this “side” job for the Corporation. So he enlisted some of his friends to help. And these friends had a brilliant idea. “Why not go to other cities and start fires?” “Yeah, great idea - we will make the fires so bad that the other cities will contract with the only company with the right equipment - The Corporation!” “Oh yeah, then we will get more money from our friend!” So the fires started spreading around the City of the Sheep in neighboring cities. Predictably, the cities turned to The Corporation for help. The Corporation got so wealthy that it bought the City’s only newspaper. The newspaper spread messages like “Support the Firefighters” and “We Must Fight Fire over There before It Gets Here!” The Corporation paid for every politician’s campaign. Contracts continued to flow to The Corporation. Eventually, some of the City of Sheep’s residents investigated some of the “fires.” These investigators completed reports that proved that many fires were not accidental. They tried to get the only newspaper to publish their reports of arson by firefighters and The Corporation agents. But the newspaper laughed and called them “paranoid.” So the investigators formed their own newspaper and published the reports. The Corporation called the Mayor and asked him to take care of the investigators. The Mayor said, “I would. But the City of Sheep only wakes up to hear the fire alarms. Then they call me and demand the firefighters get a raise!” Top blogger Bill Giltner, who runs "Grand Chessboard," will have a conversation with guest host Dean Hartwell Friday on 9/11 issues. Topics covered will include the reliability of evidence, the influence of the media and oddities of the alleged Flight 77 passengers. Click here at 4:00 PM Pacific Time on September 16th!
I will host D'Anne Burley's "The Detectors" podcast on Friday, September 9th with my guest Bob Fox of the Wisconsin Sports Online. We will discuss the upcoming football season and the Packers' chances to repeat as Super Bowl champions, Fantasy Football and union and racial issues. Tune in on this link 4:00 pm Pacific time!
Chris McGreal quoted me in his article of September 5 in the Guardian. I just wanted to take a little time to correct some of his points:
McGreal starts his column by saying “Barbara Olson is dead.” How has that been proven? The book to which McGreal refers in mentioning me, Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11, makes it clear that Olson’s supposed flight, American 77, did NOT EVEN TAKE OFF THAT DAY. The whereabouts of Ms. Olson is anyone’s guess. McGreal goes on to say that “a number of those who see a government plot on September 11 can also be found claiming that the Holocaust is a myth.” I do not believe the Holocaust was a myth. And I do not know to whom he refers. McGreal names my other book on 9/11 as Osama bin Laden Had Nothing to Do with 9/11. Close – but that is actually a column on my website. He likely meant Facts Talk but the Guilty Walk: the 9/11 No Hijacker Theory and Its Indictment of Our Leaders, a copy of which I mailed to him! To find out more about my books, click here. Link to the show:
Links referred to during show: Fetzer's Seven Questions about 9/11 and Killtown's: Did Flight 77 really crash into the Pentagon |
AuthorDean Hartwell keeps pursuing the truth about those who govern us. Categories
May 2020