You are doing the impossible. Your campaign is making my old nemesis, Ronald Reagan, look good.
The old school of Republicans did not politicize tragedy like you have. They did not hold press conferences to denounce their opponents’ Administrations like you have done recently in regards to the tragedy in Libya.
Ronald Reagan did not use the Iran Hostage Crisis to attack President Carter the way that you have gone after President Obama.
Reagan told lies but not as shamelessly as you have. And when called upon their lies, they did not blame the imaginary “liberal media” for reporting them.
What is with your complaint about Candy Crowley? She upheld President Obama’s assertion that he called the Libyan tragedy an “act of terrorism” the day after it happened. You made a specific allegation about Obama and it was wrong. Fess up and quit whining!
Republicans like you do not apologize. It is not that you are without fault, but that you believe you have impunity.
How does one obtain impunity?
When one knows that a significant group of people has their back. Complaints about media bias would go nowhere unless someone amplified it.
How does a message get amplified?
Through a medium of communication. Also known collectively as the media.
Turn on the talk radio stations. You will hear the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and many others who spin the conservative/New Republican line about media “bias.”
Go to the Internet. There are plenty of web sites with this same take on the media.
Look at the newspapers. Most editorial boards endorse the GOP candidate for president.
Most people are not getting information from people like Candy Crowley. You just didn’t like getting called out in front of millions of people who watched the debate.
You just don’t like it when someone disagrees with you. So take your own media, free of critical thought, and enjoy it. Let the rest of us think for ourselves.