Instead of telling us what he and Mitt Romney would do differently than President Obama, he told a pack of lies about him.
Ryan blamed Obama for promising to keep open a plant that actually closed BEFORE Obama took office!
Ryan said that Obama ignored the recommendations of a special committee that Ryan actually sat on and whose recommendations RYAN voted against sending to the President!
Ryan complained that the Obama Administration “began with a perfect Triple-A credit rating for the United States; it ends with a downgraded America” when in fact Standard and Poors downgraded the credit rating because Republicans like Ryan threatened not to increase the United States’ borrowing authority!
There were other lies and misleading statements as well. And it isn’t the lying so much that bothers me. It’s that Republicans, who scored President Bill Clinton not long ago for lying about a consensual affair, have for the most part ignored these obvious falsehoods in Ryan’s speech.
And what does Paul Ryan care about the fibs? Millions of people watched the speech but few of them bothered to read any of the fact checks available in the media.
We’ll see whether this gamble pays off in November.