I feel frustration that on several occasions history has labeled the wrong people as actors in events that represented turning points. And I say, for the record, that Oswald did not kill JFK, that Sirhan did not kill RFK and that the events of 9/11 were mostly hoax.
I feel fascination in trying to solve these crimes, perhaps in the way others enjoy putting together puzzles from hundreds of pieces. I have left my mark in these books, solving parts of the aforementioned events and also delving into sports and religion as well. My analysis of the "Immaculate Reception" football play is one of my finest pieces of work.
Our world is in turmoil. People die tragically, wars are fought for no good reason and the wealthy continue to get wealthier at the expense of just about everyone else. The world of misfortune and ill will revolves in a circle much in the way the earth revolves around the sun.
I am letting go of the frustration. I have written books with pleasure and with sincerity and I invite you to read my perception on why things happen as they do. I hope you will join in me in focusing on the fascination of life itself.