So I don't like the status quo.
But what happens if the system comes to a crashing halt? Maybe it tells one lie too many and the masses catch on that they have been played for fools? Or a "rogue" in one of the main media outlets reveals media complicity in the 9/11 hoax in prime time television?
The system's masterful control over our news makes the above scenarios highly unlikely but remember that it takes but a straw to break the camel's back. I believe that most people are more concerned about association with "conspiracy theorists" than the veracity of claims confronting them.
But if the system loses, are we any better off than Robert Redford's character Bill McKay in "The Candidate"? After winning a United States Senate election, McKay turns to a political consult and asks, "What do we do now?"
Here are some questions worth asking:
Who controls the air waves?
Who decides the currency?
Who leads the armed forces?
What happens to money in bank accounts (which could be frozen by the system or anyone who took their power)?
Who makes rules about the Internet?
What nations would recognize the new system?
Who has the nukes?
The value of any choice is measured by its alternative. Are we ready for a revolution?