Lincoln was shot in a theater. We "see" JFK murdered on the Zapruder film. The events of 9/11 were brought to us on television. Is history really a series of presentations with actors and props?
![]() Did someone really murder several people at an Oregon college recently? Hear this commentary about the so-called "shooting": Students were asked what they were "told" about the shooting. Were there no eyewitnesses? Did anyone hear the shooting or see any victims? We hear what sounds like a blatant ploy to divide people: the allegation that the shooter targeted Christians. And more calls for gun control. Don't get fooled again - this sounds like another hoax in a similar vein as 9/11. This essay is now part of the book Questions I Wasn't Supposed to Ask
A Marvelous Read ![]() Rating: 5.0 stars Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite St. Peter's Choice is a metaphysical novel written by Dean T. Hartwell. It takes place on Judgement Day, the day when the saved are rewarded with Heaven, and the sinners are consigned to lakes of fire. St. Peter is reading the names from the list that God has given him. While he is doing so, he happens to overhear a conversation between God and a non-Christian. This person had lived a good and virtuous life, but did not embrace the concept of Jesus as his personal savior. God faults the man for not confessing his sins and sends him to hell. The man answers that losing one's integrity is worse than being sent to hell. The man then meets two other rejected souls in a place where he hears the crackling of flames. They question the power of those flames, and the flames disappear. St. Peter is intrigued by what he hears and goes to converse with the three. Dean T. Hartwell's metaphysical/philosophical novel, St. Peter's Choice is a marvelous read. Hartwell contrasts what St. Peter remembers of his time with Christ with what his informants are telling him of the Bible as they know it. Hot-button issues such as gay marriage, women's equality and evolution pop up during the conversation. One particularly interesting chapter is the gospel according to X, wherein X tells what he thinks Christ's story is. This gospel made a lot of sense to me. Other important issues that are brought up in St. Peter's Choice are how some gospels were not included in the Bible as not pushing the church leaders' agenda, and how greedy, mean-spirited and hateful people can be accepted into heaven just because of their belief in Christ as a personal savior. At what cost to your soul and integrity do you walk through those pearly gates? That's the decision St. Peter must make and it's grand reading the dialogue as he makes up his mind. Rating: 5.0 stars Reviewed by Melinda Hills for Readers' Favorite If you don’t believe in heaven, is hell real? In St. Peter’s Choice by Dean T. Hartwell, the traditional concept of the Last Judgment is under careful scrutiny with the application of logic. Inconsistencies in what Christians believe to be the ‘Word of God’ are brought into question and the validity of the Bible itself is examined in light of modern research. By following his curiosity, St. Peter learns of the use of free will to reach decisions about what to believe instead of living life based on blind faith and obedience. He understands that choices have consequences, but is surprised to find that the consequences are not real when there is no belief in them or their alternatives. Heaven may just be how one lives life – not some illusion that is promised as a reward for accepting a particular set of beliefs. Dean T. Hartwell uses a fictionalized St. Peter to express his opinions about the nature of God and blind belief in what have traditionally been seen as His laws. St. Peter’s Choice essentially outlines what could be called flaws in the logic of Christian dogma and questions why a loving God would keep anyone from the Kingdom of Heaven. He proposes that Jesus was speaking in code and was actually part of a conspiracy to overthrow Roman rule. That leads to the assertion that the Bible should be taken figuratively and not literally, and that to insist on adhering to it word for word is to defy logic and common sense. This is great reading as a starting point for an interesting discussion or as a stepping stone to learn more about the modern quest for understanding other possible stories of Jesus. It is not the truth we fear. Most people know there is something suspicious about the official theory of 9/11. Box cutters? Seriously? Two of the "passenger flights" never took off! Several "hijackers" alive after 9/11! The implication of the truth, that forces we do not understand really control our nation, scares us. The best antidote for fear is the truth. Rumors Fly, Truth Walks: How Lies Become Our History shows the way to create a society where our leaders tell us the truth.
![]() See the Facebook page for the upcoming book "Rumors Fly, Truth Walks: How Lies Become Our History" due out on January 4, 2014! Author Dean T. Hartwell: (1) finishes off his thoughts about the so-called planes and passengers of 9/11, a topic he has written on in the two editions of Planes without Passengers (2) presents his case of a hoax involving 9/11 planes and passengers in an organized, methodical fashion and uses other hoaxes as historical context (3) says that knowing the truth won't change the world, but the truth is still worth seeking. We may well be able to re-shape society so that leaders have no reason to lie to us! ![]() This is Dean T. Hartwell's final say on what happened to the alleged passengers and planes of 9/11. He also talks about the value of truth seeking to our society. He talks about events in recent history. The JFK assassination, the Viet Nam War, Sept 11, etc. Our leaders and the media frequently lie to us about these kinds of events. Lies are nothing new. Most people have been lied to most of their lives. (Santa Claus - a man in a red suit flown by reindeer delivering gifts to millions of kids on one night!). No big deal. What this book does is to tell the reader why our leaders lie. And how they benefit from it. This book won’t change the world. That’s OK. The world isn’t going to change because someone says someone is lying! But maybe some people will. ![]() In a recent essay, I named a number of "trees" in the forest of lies given to us by our leaders and our mainstream media: JFK, RFK, October Surprise, Bush v. Gore, Nine Eleven, etc. How do you suppose we get out of this forest? Elections? But leaders in both parties have lied to us and covered up crimes. Alternative Media? I like alternative forms of media but how long must we wait until a critical mass disregards the mainstream media's conclusions on the "trees"? And who is to say that alternatives won't be part of the controlled opposition? Rounding up the criminals behind these events? Good luck with that. Since when has anyone gone to jail for anything I have mentioned. The only real way to clear out the corruption is the unthinkable. We will simply have to think of a way around that. ![]() JFK, MLK, RFK Gulf of Tonkin Vietnam, Desert Storm The October Surprise, Iran-Contra Bush vs. Gore Nine Eleven … What do all of these and other events have in common? War mongers profited and chances for peace plummeted The official story given to the public through the corporate media Once again trumped the truth It will keep on happening Because we think we are free And we are Except we have no freedom to change the direction of our nation ![]() Many people laugh when I suggest that people connected to the government lied to the public about the events of 9/11. But when I say politicians lie, or members of the Supreme Court lie, or that public officials lie about other matters, the same people nod their heads and agree enthusiastically. Why is that? It has to do with needs. If one determines that they need something, they tend to hold on to it more tightly than something they could do without. This attitude is simple human nature. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (see picture), a person’s first set of needs are the most basic: we all need to breathe, drink water, eat food, etc. If we are dependent (or believe we are dependent) upon someone else to provide these necessities, we would not likely question that person or antagonize them. We could be saying goodbye to our lives! Once a person achieves this first set of needs, this theory tells us, they are able to handle the next set, which is about the security of: one’s person, employment, health, etc. If one does not feel secure about themselves and about their position in society, they will not be able to move up the “ladder” of the hierarchy and make friends or feel self-confidence. “Rocking the boat” and questioning those who provide security, such as agents of our government, jeopardizes one’s ability to become a confident and social person. It may not be the same as being deprived of water, but one who openly doubts those charged with providing security risks social suicide! No wonder a majority of people still trust our government with the responsibility of protecting us from attack, despite overwhelming evidence that the events of 9/11 were a hoax! It is far safer to “settle” for accusing politicians of lying and cheating because there is no fear of retaliation or alienation for espousing these views. Yes, we all understand the advantage of safety: one does not have to lift a finger. Imagine the possibility of afterlife. This idea goes beyond one’s security on the temporary home of Planet Earth. It goes to eternal life. Imagine a deity who records your every thought and action. Imagine your destination after life going favorably in one direction and horribly in another direction. Imagine this deity having control over which way you go. Many of those who are willing to speak out against the actions of those charged with running our government are unwilling to speak up about certain religions that threaten eternal insecurity to those that question the deity. There is something missing in the Maslow’s theory. Somewhere after we get our water and our food, we need to grasp the right to ask questions and to obtain answers. The idea of either trusting our leaders blindly to protect us or to face alienation is not sufficient for any of us to function in a world of deception and lies. That’s my theory. We need choices that reflect our needs, not our fears. |
AuthorDean Hartwell keeps pursuing the truth about those who govern us. Categories
May 2020