This is true in the United States and in most other nations
This group, which I will call the GROUP, does not want to share its wealth
They make money through defense contracts and ownership of resources like oil
They have the inside information on stocks
They fund the politicians and usually know them personally
The politicians grant them favors which help them extend their wealth
They cover this truth up through their ownership of the media
There is no future
The future is only something we project our fears and hopes onto
The past keeps changing
We only re-interpret it
The past happened the way the GROUP tells us it did
“Lone gunman” “Nineteen” “Aggression”
Those who know better change the past
But the PICTURE remains the same because the GROUP holds its channel
The PICTURE tells the only story spoken aloud
If you speak against the PICTURE you never appear on it
And you are given a label
“Conspiracy Theorist” “Dissenter” “Traitor”
The GROUP keeps its story going without you
They have what they want
The GROUP has no need to round us up
It would be a waste of their time
The only prison we face is in our own minds
There is only one thing really happening
A tug of war
The GROUP vs Us
The PICTURE show this as a war of words
In coded language
“Support the war” = “Support the troops”
“Remember the victims”
“Don’t engage in class warfare”
The GROUP wants us to leave well enough alone
As if they are fighting for us
Ask a hungry person with a pizza pie in front of them
How many times they are willing to split it up
Ask a tax payer if they would voluntarily
Pay more in taxes
Ask the house in Vegas
How it stays in business
It is not in human nature to share what one believes they need
The GROUP is full of humans
They believe they need more power, more resources, more money
They get it by pushing for wars, “national security” and other hoaxes
If you accept their story, you will get what you deserve
But if you don’t - - -
Turn off the PICTURE and tell the GROUP you have your own story
It can be found on Stewart Ogilby's site "BigEye"