The government will not take your guns away.
With three hundred million guns in the United States, what is the government going to do – send in the tanks to force gun owners to give them up? And even if you have all of your weapons, would you have a chance against the full force of our government, anyhow? Relax. Besides, have you noticed gun sales going up recently after the shooting tragedies in Sandy Hook and elsewhere?
The world is not going to end.
Remember Fleetwood Mac’s song. “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow.” It is where we will spend the rest of our lives. Whenever people stop thinking about the future and how our consequences affect it, they tend to act without restraint. Some people have been duped by talk of a Second Coming or the end of the world and they sell their possessions and plan for the hereafter, only to be disappointed. On a larger scale, leaders who believe the end is near often show disregard for protecting our environment and may even see the wars we wage as part of the run-up to the end. Keep acting today and keep living for tomorrow and we will keep the world turning!
Dissenters will not wind up in concentration camps
Our leaders are lying or repeating lies about a number of matters, but don’t worry, they can handle the few who stand up to challenge them without resorting to extremes. Talk about FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) camps being built for dissenters ignores the fact that dissenters have not convinced the public to change its collective attitude about much of anything. The jailing of the political dissenters is the last stand of a dictatorship. As the United States prides itself as the bastion of democracy, the government has no interest in this strategy.