Questions I Wasn't Supposed to Ask - (November 2014) - A book telling the reader how to see through lies by asking questions. And then taking it a step further by putting together a more likely version of recent United States history than what the media and the government have stated.
Rumors Fly, Truth Walks - (January 2014) - All about 9/11. No passengers. No hijackings. No terrorists. A lot of deception about this day revealed here. History will put it right down there with other lies, such as the "Oswald acted alone" myth. But the reader will get a glimpse of hope as to how we can create a peaceful society, especially when we realize that the lies are simply a ruse for the rich to get richer.
St. Peter's Choice - (June 2013) - A non-believer condemned to hell on Judgment Day questions the God who rejects him. He gives his reasons for his unbelief and when he discovers God is not listening, he meets St. Peter and talks to him. The non-believer learns of the goodness of the saint and the saint begins to question whether he wants to go to heaven.
A Fan's Folklore - (November 2012) - I write a story of how I made it from a childhood of depression and loneliness to a happy and fulfilling adulthood. I learned to look forward to things. I learned to be myself. I learned to aspire. My sports heroes are described here. They are the people whom I still aspire to be – a man with the integrity of Lyman Bostock, the perseverance of John Madden and the wiliness of Ken Stabler.
Planes without Passengers (2nd edition) - (August 2012) My first definitive book on a subject amends some of the first edition and provides my complete personal theory as to what happened to the planes and passengers of 9/11. Watch YouTube clip about this book! And get a review of it here!
Facts Talk but the Guilty Walk - (June 2011) My longest book yet adds several essays and a new conclusion to Planes without Passengers.
Planes without Passengers (1st edition) - (January 2011) I got my first good month of sales with this book. Those skeptical of the official 9/11 story receive the message that though the truth may never be spoken by officials, the truth seekers are not alone.
See YouTube clip on this book!
Dead Men Talking - (August 2009) I received good reviews and got name recognition. The book exonerates Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan and Osama bin Laden.
Truth Matters - (March 2001) My debut uses interviews with unsuccessful presidential candidates and tells why they lost.