I wish I had something brilliant to say about the news. But as I am not sure the news we receive from the media is always real, perhaps the best response is skepticism.
![]() In a recent essay, I named a number of "trees" in the forest of lies given to us by our leaders and our mainstream media: JFK, RFK, October Surprise, Bush v. Gore, Nine Eleven, etc. How do you suppose we get out of this forest? Elections? But leaders in both parties have lied to us and covered up crimes. Alternative Media? I like alternative forms of media but how long must we wait until a critical mass disregards the mainstream media's conclusions on the "trees"? And who is to say that alternatives won't be part of the controlled opposition? Rounding up the criminals behind these events? Good luck with that. Since when has anyone gone to jail for anything I have mentioned. The only real way to clear out the corruption is the unthinkable. We will simply have to think of a way around that. ![]() Someone offers you a contract. If you sign it, you have obligations and rights under the contract. If you refuse it, nothing happens. In the Christian religion, God offers you a contract. If you sign it, you are obligated to believe that Jesus is the son of God and you have the right to go to the Christian heaven. If you refuse it, you go to hell. Would a kind, compassionate God force you to believe something? ![]() Daring to challenge assumptions about God and the afterlife, the novel St. Peter’s Choice by Dean T. Hartwell arrives soon to an audience of those willing to think freely. It is Judgment Day. The “rock” of the Christian religion begins to change his mind about going to heaven after he decides to talk to those sent to hell. When he speaks to God later about the conversations, he finds he has a choice to make between faith and reason. ![]() The events of 9/11 were a hoax. I spent several years researching the event and have presented my conclusions on this topic. People are free to read what I have to say and agree or disagree with those conclusions. My question now is: what should we who are convinced of the falsity of the official theory of 9/11 want? We will never convict those responsible for this fraud. We will never get the mainstream media to show our side to the story. We will never reverse the policies that came about as a result of the fraud. With that in mind, we can and should focus on something that we can attain. It is something far more basic than any of these other goals and perhaps even more useful. It is the simple concept of freedom. The controversy over what happened on September 11 and many other events before and since has stoked the fears of all of us. Fear of terrorists. Fear of foreigners. Fear of flying. Fear of freedoms being taken from us. Fear of the future. In the words of Franklin Roosevelt, we need freedom from fear. We can work toward this goal by untangling us from what makes us so afraid: the unknown. Answers to a few simple questions would be helpful. Are you afraid the government will take your guns (or other freedoms)? Do you often believe what the same government tells you about 9/11 and other events? Do you believe history repeats itself? Do you believe the future will be much different than the past? If you are willing to hold two contradictory thoughts at the same time, will you ever achieve freedom of thought? Welcome to a future that will be a lot like what we have already experienced. The government and media will continue to lie to protect interests. People will continue to predict Doomsday. The truth about anything important will be known but never stated openly until it no longer matters. Clear your mind and follow the way of the world. Not a straight line to disaster but one big familiar circle instead. ![]() A small group of people owns most of the wealth This is true in the United States and in most other nations This group, which I will call the GROUP, does not want to share its wealth They make money through defense contracts and ownership of resources like oil They have the inside information on stocks They fund the politicians and usually know them personally The politicians grant them favors which help them extend their wealth They cover this truth up through their ownership of the media There is no future The future is only something we project our fears and hopes onto The past keeps changing We only re-interpret it The past happened the way the GROUP tells us it did “Lone gunman” “Nineteen” “Aggression” Those who know better change the past But the PICTURE remains the same because the GROUP holds its channel The PICTURE tells the only story spoken aloud If you speak against the PICTURE you never appear on it And you are given a label “Conspiracy Theorist” “Dissenter” “Traitor” The GROUP keeps its story going without you They have what they want The GROUP has no need to round us up It would be a waste of their time The only prison we face is in our own minds There is only one thing really happening A tug of war The GROUP vs Us The PICTURE show this as a war of words In coded language “Support the war” = “Support the troops” “Remember the victims” “Don’t engage in class warfare” The GROUP wants us to leave well enough alone As if they are fighting for us Ask a hungry person with a pizza pie in front of them How many times they are willing to split it up Ask a tax payer if they would voluntarily Pay more in taxes Ask the house in Vegas How it stays in business It is not in human nature to share what one believes they need The GROUP is full of humans They believe they need more power, more resources, more money They get it by pushing for wars, “national security” and other hoaxes If you accept their story, you will get what you deserve But if you don’t - - - Turn off the PICTURE and tell the GROUP you have your own story --- READ THIS SELECTION OF ON-TOPIC COMMENTS BY RANDOLPH BOURNE It can be found on Stewart Ogilby's site "BigEye" Would you follow an illegal order?
Experiments, such as the Milgram Experiment, have concluded that people will break their own moral code if conditioned under certain circumstances. In that experiment, the person running it would tell the subject to ask questions of another person. Upon receiving incorrect answers from the other person, the subject would be told to order shocks to be given to them. Unbeknownst to the subject, the other person was an actor secretly helping those who ran the experiment. Separated by a wall from the subject, the actor pretended to feel serious pain from the shocks. Overwhelmingly, the subjects, at some point told that they would not be held responsible for the harm, would continue to administer the shocks. In a municipality recently, the head of Code Enforcement made a remark we have probably all heard frequently. When asked why he did not charge a city official with permit violations, he said he was “just following orders” from supervisors who urged him not to pursue the matter. Before we make any moral judgments of those discussed here who went along with actions they knew or should have known were wrong, we could start by asking ourselves: What would we do? Few people are comfortable with the idea of standing alone in advocating a point of view. Few people are willing to risk repercussion from authority. Few people have the ability to see themselves as part of the orders they carry out, especially when given the choice to displace the blame on the ones who gave the orders. The morality of an order depends upon the followers’ willingness to equate their responsibility to that of those who give them. ![]() A French proverb tells us that only fools and children speak the truth. Many children grow up believing in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. It obviously isn’t because they researched the issue on what happens to their teeth after they put them under their pillows or how a sleigh run by reindeers can fly all over the world in one night. Someone told them to believe it. I believed in these things as a kid because it felt good. I liked to believe that someone was thinking about me and giving me rewards. It was all plausible to me because I did not give the details of any of these myths much of a thought. For most of us where I grew up, these were among the first things that someone (i.e. adults) told us to believe. The beliefs of the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were our first official theories. We laughed off any suggestion that they were not real. After all, everyone we knew believed in them, so we did, too. Anyone who said anything to the contrary was not with us. They were just foolish. The best theory in alternative to the official one was, of course, the theory that adults were lying to us about where the money we would find underneath our pillows or gifts under the Christmas tree would come from. Our parents – lie to us? It was a lie to help us enjoy our childhood, long before we became adults ourselves and faced big responsibilities. The lie made us feel safe. Never mind it was barely plausible. But the white lies didn’t stop there. And it wasn’t just being lied to, either. We learned to lie and accept lies out of comfort. I could not stand eating certain vegetables as a child. I also learned my mom feared looking old. So, at around the age of eight, I lied to my mom by telling her she looked 30 (she was 31 when I was born) to get her approval to skip the vegetables. In high school, I had a date with a girl who offered no opinions, thoughts or ideas on anything during our dinner. I should have told her that I did not want to see her again. Instead, to avoid the discomfort of dirty looks from her friends who were in my classes, I waited for her to tell me that I was not a high priority. I don’t know who told the lie that I just needed to get a bachelor’s degree to get a good job. But I felt conditioned to believe it. Then I discovered the cold truth when I took a job shortly after college graduation that did not even pay minimum wage and for which I slaved to try to please a boss who could not be pleased. We are simply conditioned to avoid truths that would wake us from our slumber of comfort. We are conditioned to respond negatively to unpleasant truths. I had trouble believing any of my English ancestors held slaves. My family wouldn’t do that! But I couldn’t help but notice a black man named Edgerton Hartwell while watching National Football League games. There were so few blacks in England during the time my ancestors were there, the proof that people I am related to owned slaves stares back at me. The issue here is not really the truth. It is comfort. Few will risk stepping out of their comfort to speak up for the truth. It is so much easier to stay asleep and tell ourselves that at least we aren’t foolish. ![]() As a child, there was a phrase I had to say every day… ONE NATION UNDER GOD My kindergarten class says there is a God, but my parents don’t. Why should I recite this pledge? BECAUSE I SAID SO The principal says I must say it. Maybe he is wrong. YOU’RE A LOSER* IF YOU BELIEVE THAT I tried to trust God, but my friend died in a car accident. GOD MUST HAVE HAD A PLAN Then I do not care for God. FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD… Then why does he let innocent people die? HAVE FAITH Faith in what? A God I cannot see? A Bible I read and do not believe? ONE NATION UNDER GOD My nation sends troops to fight wars that make no sense. OUR GOVERNMENT WOULD NEVER DO THAT Where are the weapons of mass destruction? I CANNOT REVEAL MY SOURCES What? SUPPORT THE TROOPS I support the troops coming home and for all of them to stop supporting wars based on lies. THE TERRORISTS DID IT What terrorists are you talking about? I CANNOT REVEAL MY SOURCES Who can I trust? FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD... I give up. Is there something you can tell me not connected to God or country? "RAYMOND SHAW IS THE KINDEST, BRAVEST, WARMEST, MOST WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING I'VE EVER KNOWN IN MY LIFE."** --- *or a communist, a traitor, a conspiracy theorist, etc. **from The Manchurian Candidate, a movie based on the novel by Richard Condon |
AuthorDean Hartwell keeps pursuing the truth about those who govern us. Categories
May 2020