"In Planes Without Passengers, Dean Hartwell has produced an important book that needs to be read by all Americans. His impressive research throws doubt upon all aspects of the laughable official story of 9/11, and hisconclusions are entirely reasonable. Until we confront the monstrous lie that gave birth to an endless "war on terror," the creation of the unconstitutional Patriot Act, "free speech zones" and other infringements on civil liberties, we cannot hope to understand the reality behind all the political bread and circuses being sold to the largely sleeping public."
Donald Jeffries, author of several best selling books, including Crimes and Cover-ups in American Politics: 1776-1963 and the upcoming Bullyocracy: How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places, and Society at Large, has reviewed my book. Here is what he had to say: "In Planes Without Passengers, Dean Hartwell has produced an important book that needs to be read by all Americans. His impressive research throws doubt upon all aspects of the laughable official story of 9/11, and hisconclusions are entirely reasonable. Until we confront the monstrous lie that gave birth to an endless "war on terror," the creation of the unconstitutional Patriot Act, "free speech zones" and other infringements on civil liberties, we cannot hope to understand the reality behind all the political bread and circuses being sold to the largely sleeping public."
The third edition of Planes without Passengers: The Faked Hijackings of 9/11 has made a big splash on Amazon. It attained the rank of #1 New Release in Historiography! See here! Planes without Passengers. What does this phrase mean? Dean T. Hartwell updates his classic book about 9/11 with this edition and answers that question and many others, such as: "What about video surveillance footage of hijackers at the airports?", "Weren't there phone calls from the planes?" and "Didn't DNA tests prove that passengers crashed at sites?" Click here to go to Amazon page for the Kindle version and here for the paperback!.
All of Dean T. Hartwell's books about 9/11 are on sale! Get his latest, Mythology 9/11, for $9.11 on Amazon now! Or other classics, like Was 9/11 a Movie? and Planes without Passengers!
No planes, no hijackings, no crashes! A lot of misdirection by our media to persuade you to support wars for private profit, fewer freedoms and blind obedience to our corrupt leaders! As humans, we sometimes lie. We lie for different reasons. I found myself years ago in a situation where I felt the need to lie in order to preserve my life. My Chappaquiddick Theory by Dean Hartwell on Scribd ![]() What if the events of September 11, 2001 had been reported to us in piecemeal? Without television, radio or any other audio or visual medium. It would go something like this: FIRST CLUE: Something hit the World Trade Center this morning. UPDATE: Something hit the World Trade Center again, this time the south tower UPDATE: World Trade Center towers fall. Eyewitnesses divided as to what caused towers at the World Trade Center to come down. At this point, we would have a basic understanding that part of the World Trade Center had fallen down. We also would have the impression that objects struck at least two of the towers. We could form a tentative conclusion that the objects caused the towers to fall. We could also infer that airplanes struck the towers because if objects caused towers to fall, the objects would have to be large enough, like airplanes. Also, the most common large objects to fly are airplanes. But we would want more information. SECOND CLUE: Something hit the Pentagon later in the day. UPDATE: Part of the Pentagon crumbled down. UPDATE: Eyewitnesses saw airplane flying near the Pentagon at the time of its partial collapse. Another building down! And this time eyewitnesses appear more certain a plane was involved. We might assume that because of these reports that planes were also used at the World Trade Center, but that still might be premature. THIRD CLUE: A plane reportedly crashed in Pennsylvania not long after part of the Pentagon fell. Another plane has allegedly crashed! There must be a connection, right? FOURTH CLUE: Four flights reportedly went off path that day. UPDATE: Each flight reportedly went off path and flew in the direction of one of the crash sites. UPDATE: Four flights have been identified as connected to the plane crashes: American Airlines 11 and United Airlines 175 at the north and south towers of the World Trade Center; American Airlines 77 at the Pentagon and United 93 at Pennsylvania. It is beginning to sound like a conclusion could be made about the flights and the buildings, but would this be enough? FIFTH CLUE: Official source does not show that American 11 and American 77 took off that morning. UPDATE: FBI reports that airline agent confirms seeing “American 11” as empty plane on runway AFTER it allegedly struck the World Trade Center. Hold it on the airplanes! Two of the flights never took off. We might wonder how these flights were identified. We might also ask if this report means that United 175 and United 93 DID take off. SIXTH CLUE: Reports of phone calls on all four flights from passengers and flight attendants calling loved ones. Many of those receiving calls report cell phones used by those on flights. UPDATE: Experts say cell phones do not work at most altitudes on airplanes. So, these passengers must have used air phones, then, right? UPDATE: Air phones probably not available on American Airlines flights. SEVENTH CLUE: Investigators at crash scenes fail to find pieces of plane that be positively identified as from any of planes allegedly used. UPDATE: DNA of some passengers reportedly found at crash scenes. They found evidence of passengers but not planes. We would wonder at this juxtaposition of evidence. We might wonder where information not readily visible, like the DNA, is really coming from. EIGHTH CLUE: United Flights 175 and 93 tracked by ACARS flying toward Midwest long after their alleged crashes. What conclusions about the events of 9/11 would YOU form based on these clues and the partial analysis? ![]() Dean Hartwell's April 30th appearance on Rollie Quaid's "Blackballed" podcast is available for listening here. You will hear what Hartwell has to say about planes without passengers on 9/11, the RFK assassination and his thoughts on religion! http://www.revisionmedia.org/archive/blackballed-2019-04-30-dean-hartwell-dead-men-talking.html Jesus is Not Coming Back. He Was Not Here to begin with.
Here comes Easter again. And here comes the Christian story of a savior, Jesus of Nazareth, or Jesus Christ, who was crucified and comes back to life. The Apostle Paul stated, “But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain.” (1 Corinthians 15). I have news for you, Paul: Faith is in vain. A few simple questions make this fact easy to discern. For instance, where was Nazareth? According to Nazarethgate, scholars have been unable to find a place by this name in the part of the world that Jesus allegedly lived during that period of time. But scholars do agree that some people were then known as Nazarene. And the editions of the Bible reflect this consensus on the issue of Nazareth. The King James edition of the Bible, published in 1611, mentions “Jesus of Nazareth,” whereas the New International Version of the Bible, published in 1978, speaks of “Jesus the Nazarene.” All four Gospels, Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, describe Jesus carrying or receiving help carrying his cross to its destination. But the Romans, who governed the area in question, did not have many trees from which to make crosses. According to Crucifixion’s a Doddle, “Trees were, clearly, a scarce and valuable commodity in Jerusalem at the time.” As for the cross, the Christian religion did not widely use it as a symbol of the religion until the fourth century, according to Creating Christ. Prior to then, the church used the anchor and the dolphin. There are no eyewitnesses to the resurrection mentioned in the Bible. And according to the Gospel of Mark, of which the other three gospels are based, no one could have reported the empty tomb or the resurrection. Mark 16 states that a young man dressed in a white robe who tells three women, Mary Magdalene, Mary and Salome, that Jesus had risen and that they should go to Galilee to see him. But in the last verse in the original manuscript, verse 8, the women became scared and said nothing to anyone. One must wonder how this story was ever told. Why should we believe that Jesus will return? Here are his words according the Gospel of Matthew: “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.“ (Matthew 16: 27, 28) Two thousand years have gone by since Jesus supposedly uttered these words. The people who lived during that time are long gone. I hope that faith will some day be buried as well. Dean Hartwell made an appearance on the live broadcast "I Protest" and talked to Donald Jeffries about his ideas on the subject of 9/11. Click the link below and listen to Hartwell discuss planes without passengers, Betty Ong, the "scripting" of the official narrative by actors and much more for ninety minutes.
https://tfrlive.com/don-jeffries-with-dean-hartwell-83530/ |
AuthorDean Hartwell keeps pursuing the truth about those who govern us. Categories
May 2020