One of the commenters wrote:
But what happened to all the supposed passengers that died on those planes? Where are they now? · · 9 hours ago
- James Henry Fetzer · Top Commenter · Works at McKnight Professor Emeritus, UMD Since the flights were faked, the passengers–for the most part–were probably faked, too. But those who are willing to murder 3,000 in New York are not going to hesitate to take out a handful more to create the pathos that you describe. These questions will be addressed by Dean Hartwell, author of PLANES WITHOUT PASSENGERS, during The Vancouver Hearings,
Recall, Pilots has determined that Flights 93 and 175 WERE IN THE AIR AT THE TIMES OF THEIR PURPORTED CRASH. Presumably, they had some passengers aboard. When you think of them as disposable props, the whole scenario becomes even more chilling. They may have been offloaded and then permanently eliminated, where their bodies might even have been used as proof of those crashes. · · about an hour ago