To understand the significance of lies, we need to understand the truth and why the lies are told. Here are five events in recent history in which our leaders (the mainstream media and our politicians) did not tell us the truth:
Assassinations of Kennedy Brothers
Official story: Lone assassins did it
Reality: Government conspiracies
Gulf of Tonkin/Viet Nam War
Official story: Communists started it and we have to fight them
Reality: We started it and had no intention of winning it
Iran Hostages Return
Official story: Iran capitulated to new president Ronald Reagan
Reality: Reagan’s campaign team made a secret deal with Iran to postpone release of hostages until after the election
Election 2000
Official story: U.S. Supreme Court was needed to make decision and it upheld George W. Bush’s legal argument by 5-4 vote
Reality: Bush campaign officials purged voting rolls of likely Gore voters and illegally acted to include Bush votes that should not have been counted. Also, Bush partisans in media falsely declared him the winner on Election Night.
Official story: Osama bin Laden was behind it
Reality: Leaders inside and outside our government plotted event and framed bin Laden
What we have is a pattern of lies by the very people we are supposed to trust to give us correct information. The next obvious question is why would they do this?
In the case of the Kennedy assassinations and 9/11, leaders hid their own actions by blaming innocent people.
In the case of the Viet Nam War, leaders promoted a war that made money for the military, the defense contractors and their investors, a group I call the “War Party.”
In the case of the Iran Hostage return, leaders helped a new president and his agenda, which not coincidentally supported the War Party.
In the case of the 2000 Election, the leaders installed a president whose handlers would assist in an upcoming event.
What if we could have detected these lies?
We would know that people within our government were capable of murdering the president and other innocent people. We would know that we do not fight wars to win. We would know that people not associated with the government can and do alter the outcome of elections.
How might people knowledgeable of these lies act upon this knowledge?
They might not be very compliant citizens of the United States.
They might not vote.
They might demand cuts in defense spending.
They might not pay taxes.
They might resist government intrusion into their privacy.
They might write a more accurate version of history and newsworthy events.
They might not support the next war.
What could be the result of this?
The rich who benefit from the War Party will have less.
The guilty will be caught.
The power in our nation will shift from those we know as leaders to those now being led.
Do you still question why it matters whether the official version of events is true?