"If you are a person who wants to continue your study of 9-11 and get closer to the truth, you should have this book."
Jeannon Kralj
See the early reviews on Was 9/11 a Movie? by clicking here
This essay is now part of the book Questions I Wasn't Supposed to Ask
We are about to go through another onslaught of misinformation by much of the media. Here is what we are bound to hear about: The brave passengers on Flight 93 Four hijackings Nineteen members of Al-Qaeda Planes hitting the towers Crazy conspiracy theories debunked Here is the truth: Flight 93 (aka United 93) on September 11 flew toward the West Coast long after its alleged "crash". There have never been any passengers verified for this flight, let alone anyone fighting hijackers. There were no hijackings on September 11. Two of the flights alleged to have been hijacked NEVER EVEN TOOK OFF! As there were no hijackings, there were no hijackings, let alone hijackings by Al-Qaeda. No passenger planes hit anything that day. People like me feel "crazy" listening to lies told by the media. Source: Planes without Passengers (2nd edition) and Rumors Fly, Truth Walks, both by Dean T. Hartwell See the Facebook page for the upcoming book "Rumors Fly, Truth Walks: How Lies Become Our History" due out on January 4, 2014! Author Dean T. Hartwell: (1) finishes off his thoughts about the so-called planes and passengers of 9/11, a topic he has written on in the two editions of Planes without Passengers (2) presents his case of a hoax involving 9/11 planes and passengers in an organized, methodical fashion and uses other hoaxes as historical context (3) says that knowing the truth won't change the world, but the truth is still worth seeking. We may well be able to re-shape society so that leaders have no reason to lie to us! The Vancouver Hearings will present eighteen speakers to challenge the official theory of the events of 9/11 on multiple fronts, including what happened to the planes and passengers, who was behind the attacks and the role of the media. For more information, read here. Read about the 2nd Edition of Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings here!
Chris McGreal quoted me in his article of September 5 in the Guardian. I just wanted to take a little time to correct some of his points:
McGreal starts his column by saying “Barbara Olson is dead.” How has that been proven? The book to which McGreal refers in mentioning me, Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11, makes it clear that Olson’s supposed flight, American 77, did NOT EVEN TAKE OFF THAT DAY. The whereabouts of Ms. Olson is anyone’s guess. McGreal goes on to say that “a number of those who see a government plot on September 11 can also be found claiming that the Holocaust is a myth.” I do not believe the Holocaust was a myth. And I do not know to whom he refers. McGreal names my other book on 9/11 as Osama bin Laden Had Nothing to Do with 9/11. Close – but that is actually a column on my website. He likely meant Facts Talk but the Guilty Walk: the 9/11 No Hijacker Theory and Its Indictment of Our Leaders, a copy of which I mailed to him! To find out more about my books, click here. There is no 9/11 Truth Movement. There are people who seek and accept the truth no matter what it is. And there are the rest who pursue an agenda of suppressing facts about the event.
The most relevant facts about 9/11 are already known to those who have been willing to make a serious, objective investigation of them. Here they are: Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were not involved and were instead framed. (The “confession” tapes were faked and the FBI has never placed bin Laden on its wanted list for 9/11!) Objects other than the announced planes struck the World Trade Centers 1 and 2, the Pentagon and Shanksville. (No one has ever traced any of the debris from the scenes to any of the planes, which could be done through serial numbers) Members of our government and other powerful people framed “radical Muslims” and engineered and covered up the crimes. (If the Muslims are innocent, who else but those who accused them could be complicit?) What is the significance of these facts? We’ve been lied to. The people who did it got away with it and are still around. It could happen again as the perpetrators have impunity. There is no battle to find out what happened. There are facts that have been uncovered. The battle is between those who promote the facts and those who obscure them. To understand this conflict, picture a forest full of trees. Trees with gold ribbons wrapped around them represent the facts uncovered. Now picture a large group of people, with an agenda besides the truth, armed with gold ribbons. They wrap the ribbons over so many of the remaining trees that anyone who walks through the forest will have trouble discerning the facts, including the three mentioned above. OK, now that you have the picture, you can begin to understand why most people believe the official theory. Here is how the battle plays out: Arguments flare up over issues that cannot be easily resolved. Consider the debate over what brought down World Trade Center 1 and World Trade Center 2. Most people (myself included) lack the expertise to explain how impact, fire and oil affect buildings and what the consequences are of the use of explosives. The result – the debate goes on endlessly. Those who support the official point of view tell dissenters the burden of proof is on them. From a layperson’s point of view, no one “wins.” And, the massive attention to these kinds of issues diminishes attention to other issues that could more easily refute the official theory, like the framing of bin Laden and the use of airplanes. If there really were a unified truth movement, the following questions would be foremost: If you knew that the bin Laden tapes were fake or that the FBI never had “hard evidence” on him for 9/11, would you support the official theory? If you knew that Flights 11, 175, 77 and 93 never struck anything that day, would you support the official theory? If you knew that officials like New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani ordered the premature clean up of a crime scene, would you support the official theory? Despite the evidence against the official theory, no one in power ever challenges it. When leaders buy and sell a lie, don’t think for a minute that they are capable of acknowledging the truth. Don’t fall for the 9/11 truth movement. Seek instead the truth until it becomes as obvious as the air you breathe. Those on the inside conducted these crimes. The question now is what will we do about it? Like many children, I believed in Santa Claus. He came by my house, dropped through the chimney and left off presents for my brother and me every year. Until I figured out the reality of Santa, he was a necessary part of my understanding of Christmas.
I was in a box in which I so believed in Santa Claus that no one could convince me that the facts were really different. I only got out of that box when I realized that I had never taken another idea seriously. When I mention my disbelief in the idea that Osama bin Laden planned and orchestrated the events of 9/11, I get a quizzical look from some people. They apparently cannot understand why I do not accept the official theory. I think that they are in a box much like I was as a child. If one has conducted research and concludes that bin Laden and al-Qaeda committed the crimes of 9/11, I have no problem with that. Good research allows a person to seriously consider a number of possibilities before making a decision. Somewhere along the way they shed the box. But I am convinced that a significant number of our population cannot hold a meaningful conversation about this topic because they never challenged their own conceptions. And until they do, they will not comprehend anything I say that goes beyond the walls of their box: the 19 suicide hijackers, the four planes, the phone calls from passengers, the courageous passengers who fought back and forced a crash landing of one of the planes in a field, etc. This attitude fits in with an old beer commercial whose message was "It's it and that's that." It is the idea that we know what we need to know and that's all there is to it. It is too bad because new information cannot reach one whose mind is closed. There is plenty of information for anyone interested in challenging the official line of 9/11 to consider. And when we consider new information, we throw away the box that traps us. Consider this: The 19 suicide hijackers - who says there were any hijackers that day? The information about them came from the media, which supposedly heard from investigators who found documents about the 19 men in the trunk of a car or on the luggage carousel at Boston Logan airport, depending on which story you believe. Why would hijackers bring any information that identified them? Especially when seven of these names have been identified as names of people still alive! Throw off the box - the documents sound more like a plant to throw off investigators than what the official story tells us. The four planes - who says that four planes were used to crash into buildings? Again the media told us the flight numbers and gave various lists of passengers for each. But no one has ever produced receipts for plane tickets, boarding pass stubs or videos of any of the passengers supposedly on the flights. Furthermore, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics records show that only two of the four alleged hijacker flights were scheduled to take off that day. With four crash sites, it should be obvious that other objects were used in at least some of the crashes that took place. The phone calls from passengers - What calls? Research has proven that cell phones are ineffective, at best, at the altitude that the flights supposedly went to. The idea that over twenty calls went through, even if a few were reliable air phones, is preposterous. The box opens here if we are willing to acknowledge the possibility that calls were made from the ground, either through voice synthesizers or by people to their relatives. Why would people call relatives with information of impending doom if it were not true? Consider the fact that a hijack simulation took place that very day. And that story about passengers on United 93 fighting back against the hijackers? Without hijackers, that would be impossible. Where did we get this information? We got it from the media who got it through a representative of Verizon phones, who said she did not tape record the conversation with one of the men supposedly involved in the fight against the hijackers because she was afraid she would disconnect the call. As if a person with nothing else to do but call would not simply call her again? Most people, I am convinced, want the truth. But wanting it is not enough. It is necessary to go and seek it. Just get rid of that box over your head and see what you can find! |
AuthorDean Hartwell keeps pursuing the truth about those who govern us. Categories
May 2020