This essay is now part of the book Questions I Wasn't Supposed to Ask
![]() We are about to go through another onslaught of misinformation by much of the media. Here is what we are bound to hear about: The brave passengers on Flight 93 Four hijackings Nineteen members of Al-Qaeda Planes hitting the towers Crazy conspiracy theories debunked Here is the truth: Flight 93 (aka United 93) on September 11 flew toward the West Coast long after its alleged "crash". There have never been any passengers verified for this flight, let alone anyone fighting hijackers. There were no hijackings on September 11. Two of the flights alleged to have been hijacked NEVER EVEN TOOK OFF! As there were no hijackings, there were no hijackings, let alone hijackings by Al-Qaeda. No passenger planes hit anything that day. People like me feel "crazy" listening to lies told by the media. Source: Planes without Passengers (2nd edition) and Rumors Fly, Truth Walks, both by Dean T. Hartwell ![]() See the Facebook page for the upcoming book "Rumors Fly, Truth Walks: How Lies Become Our History" due out on January 4, 2014! Author Dean T. Hartwell: (1) finishes off his thoughts about the so-called planes and passengers of 9/11, a topic he has written on in the two editions of Planes without Passengers (2) presents his case of a hoax involving 9/11 planes and passengers in an organized, methodical fashion and uses other hoaxes as historical context (3) says that knowing the truth won't change the world, but the truth is still worth seeking. We may well be able to re-shape society so that leaders have no reason to lie to us! ![]() The events of 9/11 were a hoax. I spent several years researching the event and have presented my conclusions on this topic. People are free to read what I have to say and agree or disagree with those conclusions. My question now is: what should we who are convinced of the falsity of the official theory of 9/11 want? We will never convict those responsible for this fraud. We will never get the mainstream media to show our side to the story. We will never reverse the policies that came about as a result of the fraud. With that in mind, we can and should focus on something that we can attain. It is something far more basic than any of these other goals and perhaps even more useful. It is the simple concept of freedom. The controversy over what happened on September 11 and many other events before and since has stoked the fears of all of us. Fear of terrorists. Fear of foreigners. Fear of flying. Fear of freedoms being taken from us. Fear of the future. In the words of Franklin Roosevelt, we need freedom from fear. We can work toward this goal by untangling us from what makes us so afraid: the unknown. Answers to a few simple questions would be helpful. Are you afraid the government will take your guns (or other freedoms)? Do you often believe what the same government tells you about 9/11 and other events? Do you believe history repeats itself? Do you believe the future will be much different than the past? If you are willing to hold two contradictory thoughts at the same time, will you ever achieve freedom of thought? Welcome to a future that will be a lot like what we have already experienced. The government and media will continue to lie to protect interests. People will continue to predict Doomsday. The truth about anything important will be known but never stated openly until it no longer matters. Clear your mind and follow the way of the world. Not a straight line to disaster but one big familiar circle instead. ![]() Planes without Passengers, the 2nd edition takes from the first edition the proven theory that no hijackings took place on 9/11 and goes further by concluding that the passengers were really agents who assisted with the plot. The book's conclusions are based primarily upon two facts: (1) the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), which maintains information on all commercial flights in the United States, in its original form, stated clearly that while United 175 and United 93 were scheduled to fly and flew on 9/11/01, American 11 and American 77 were not scheduled and did not fly and (2) ACARS, a system much like electronic mail and GPS, shows that United 175 and United 93 were flying over the Midwestern part of the United States long after their supposed "crashes" on the east coast. Agents pretending to be passengers were seen at the Cleveland Hopkins Airport late that morning. They walked toward A NASA building to make calls to the media to straighten out an impression many had that the Internet reported that United 93 had landed in Cleveland. The author says in the Afterword that the United States' public is not ready to hear this message. People talk about corruption in high places and how they want change but most are ultimately too comfortable with the status quo to change it. CLICK ON IMAGE TO FIND OUT MORE OR TO BUY! Anthony Summers Fails to Confront 9/11 Truth in New Book
In their new book, The Eleventh Day: the Full Story of 9/11 and Osama bin Laden, Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan tell us that “the identity of the perpetrators is not in doubt.” But the two make several questionable assertions and omissions of fact which undercut their belief that members of Al Qaeda carried out the attacks. Summers and Swan spend little time addressing the validity of the alleged cell phone calls from airplanes. Supporters of the official theory claim that the calls were real and that they prove the presence of hijackers on the airplanes. The authors could have analyzed the claims of AK (Alex) Dewdney on this subject. Though they do mention Dewdney on other topics (such as flight by remote control), they say nothing about his experiments in the use of cell phones on airplanes, which he called the “Project Achilles Report.” The report shows the difficulty of the use of cell phones on planes, especially at the levels the planes allegedly hijacked were flying at. Another glaring omission is the conduct of World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein, whose name does not appear in the book’s lengthy index. Silverstein said that he “pulled” Building Seven, a slang term for bringing down a building by explosives. His remarks are often cited by those who believe insiders within our government acted on 9/11 because the building would have had to have been prepared for demolition prior to the event. The two authors also fail to question why Verizon employee Lisa Jefferson did not record her alleged conversation with alleged Flight 93 passenger Todd Beamer. It was from Jefferson that we heard of the now-famous battle cry “Let’s Roll!”, which Beamer supposedly told other passengers before attacking the hijackers. So what is their proof for their theory about the perpetrators? Take their analysis of what happened at the Pentagon. They tell us about photographs published in the Defense Department’s “Pentagon 9/11,” which show “some debris” outside the building. But they fail to give any indication as to when the debris, such as mangled metal with the marking “AA” for American Airlines on it, actually arrived. They bring out the story told by Tamara Carter by saying that she arrived at the scene “two days later” and saw plane parts. This story also fails to address the matter of timing. They also tell us that Boeing part numbers “reportedly” had part numbers consistent with the airplane that allegedly crashed. Sorry, “reportedly” does not help me to discount theories offered by critics who believe parts were planted. Their other attempt to prove their theory about the perpetrators involves put-downs of leading theorists. “There is more that one should know about them,” say the authors as they call one out for holding an unpopular opinion about the Waco tragedy, another for having used LSD and yet another for using biblical principles to economics. I am not sure of the connection of these facts to the subject at hand. Anthony Summers has written brilliantly about the JFK assassination and other subjects before. But his failure to confront alternative theories to the official one about 9/11 in an even-handed way disappointed me. I cannot recommend this book. Dean T. Hartwell Author of Facts Talk but the Guilty Walk: the 9/11 No Hijacker Theory and Its Indictment of Our Leaders |
AuthorDean Hartwell keeps pursuing the truth about those who govern us. Categories
May 2020