From the Upcoming Book "Was 9/11 a Movie?"
How did the author come to this conclusion? Read the book - due out soon!
From the Upcoming Book "Was 9/11 a Movie?" "Spectacular actual demolitions of three towers of the World Trade Center, great special effects like fake planes and false images of jumpers and the mediocre but passable acting of the phone callers and phone recipients convince the public that a terrorist attack has taken the lives of about 3,000 people."
How did the author come to this conclusion? Read the book - due out soon!
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This essay is now part of the book Questions I Wasn't Supposed to Ask
![]() See the Facebook page for the upcoming book "Rumors Fly, Truth Walks: How Lies Become Our History" due out on January 4, 2014! Author Dean T. Hartwell: (1) finishes off his thoughts about the so-called planes and passengers of 9/11, a topic he has written on in the two editions of Planes without Passengers (2) presents his case of a hoax involving 9/11 planes and passengers in an organized, methodical fashion and uses other hoaxes as historical context (3) says that knowing the truth won't change the world, but the truth is still worth seeking. We may well be able to re-shape society so that leaders have no reason to lie to us! ![]() A recent reviewer of my book Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11 (2nd edition) wrote that the book needs a third edition. He is right. I write this “edition” to distill the message of the first two editions to just one sentence: THERE WERE NO HIJACKINGS ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. In short, the stories of plane hijackings and the use of the planes by hijackers to strike buildings was a complete hoax. So, too, were stories of distressed passenger calls from planes. The more I researched and debated this matter, furthermore, the more it appeared that, with some exceptions, the alleged passengers were manufactured or used identities. Background information on the web are these two essays, the first co-written with Jim Fetzer: “The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What Happened to Flight 93?” “The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What Happened to Flights 175, 77 and 11?” Can anyone disprove my hypothesis? ![]() Conspiracy theory is dead. That’s because it never existed. Whether things (allegedly) happen, it hardly matters that the action was planned; it matters a lot more as to WHO planned them and WHO carried them out. Take the competing theories as to what happened on September 11, 2001. The official theory says that nineteen hijackers and others planned attacks. Alternate theories say that others planned the attacks. Still other theories contend that the events were staged with the goal to frame people for committing attacks. All of these theories could be characterized as conspiracy theories. So why bother using this phrase? It is awfully strange that those who disagree with the official theory are the ones given the label of conspiracy theorists. The one word missing in the shallow analysis often offered about the events is the word “agent.” According to, an agent is one who is a person or business authorized to act on another's behalf We learned through a Fox News headline today that there was “9/11 plane landing gear found in Lower Manhattan.” Getting to the text, the message softens a bit, to “Part of landing gear apparently from one of the jetliners that crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, has been found wedged between two buildings.” Apparently. The article never tells us which plane the landing gear came from, although it quotes the deputy police commissioner of New York City as saying that the gear has a Boeing number identification clearly identified upon it. What does this have to do with the concept of conspiracy? We have been persuaded to believe, from this article, and numerous media reports before it, that the only true theory is the official one. The wording “from one of the jetliners that crashed…” gives away this presumption. We have been persuaded to believe that only conspiracy theorists believe otherwise. By implication, we are to ignore their ideas completely. We are persuaded to ignore the possibility of agency, in this case the idea that people not privy to the plan could act on behalf of those who made the plan. With that, the news media which rehashes this “news” will completely ignore what many alternative theorists have said for years: that of the four planes alleged to have been a part of the events of September 11, two of them did not fly and two of them flew well past the time of the alleged attacks on the World Trade Center buildings. You can believe those who condemn conspiracy theory while secretly supporting one. Or you can believe those who are willing to present an alternative to a theory that does not work. ![]() Click here to go to Amazon site for my book The government did not conspire on 9/11. In fact, the government can’t even tie its own shoes. Individuals act on behalf of the government to collect taxes and to pay for services for its residents. Individuals acted on 9/11. Some of them reported what they or others did to the media. The media is not one person or one entity. But people who work for the media with the greatest range to broadcast messages frequently choose to say the same things and to not say other things. No one saw the alleged hijackers of 9/11. No one witnessed the alleged hijackings of 9/11. How did we learn of hijackings on 9/11? Individuals falsely reported to individuals in the media that they received calls from people claiming to be hijacked. Many in the media and who act on behalf of the government continue to tell us about hijackings on 9/11. Most people hear the lie about hijackers – on television, the radio and the movies - and do not react to the lie. They may not see what good it would do to challenge it. Or they are waiting for someone else to speak up. The author uses this book to speak up and call a lie a lie. Your government won’t care, because it can’t. The question is whether you care about where your leaders have taken you and where you may go next. Freedom does not end with a bang, but a whimper. Read Planes without Passengers, 2nd Edition and get to know one piece of truth not just about 9/11 but about us. Click here ![]() Planes without Passengers, the 2nd edition takes from the first edition the proven theory that no hijackings took place on 9/11 and goes further by concluding that the passengers were really agents who assisted with the plot. The book's conclusions are based primarily upon two facts: (1) the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), which maintains information on all commercial flights in the United States, in its original form, stated clearly that while United 175 and United 93 were scheduled to fly and flew on 9/11/01, American 11 and American 77 were not scheduled and did not fly and (2) ACARS, a system much like electronic mail and GPS, shows that United 175 and United 93 were flying over the Midwestern part of the United States long after their supposed "crashes" on the east coast. Agents pretending to be passengers were seen at the Cleveland Hopkins Airport late that morning. They walked toward A NASA building to make calls to the media to straighten out an impression many had that the Internet reported that United 93 had landed in Cleveland. The author says in the Afterword that the United States' public is not ready to hear this message. People talk about corruption in high places and how they want change but most are ultimately too comfortable with the status quo to change it. CLICK ON IMAGE TO FIND OUT MORE OR TO BUY! ![]() The Vancouver Hearings will present eighteen speakers to challenge the official theory of the events of 9/11 on multiple fronts, including what happened to the planes and passengers, who was behind the attacks and the role of the media. For more information, read here. _ We should learn how easily the public can be convinced of something that touches them emotionally. Almost everyone on September 11, 2001 reported the same sense of shock about the attacks, the same sense of sadness about the victims and the same sense of anger toward the perpetrators.
We should know by now to be careful to guard our judgments about events in which our leaders may well have reason to mislead us. Recent history has shown us a number of official lies, for example, President Lyndon Johnson’s acceptance of Israel’s explanation that it made a “mistake” in bombing the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967, President Reagan’s insistence that “we did not -- repeat did not -- trade weapons or anything else for hostages nor will we” and President George W. Bush’s persistent claim of “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq. We should learn the value in deciding for ourselves how to respond to false statements made by our leaders and to reason to what extent it matters. The key is to understand why the lie is told. President Johnson did not want to alienate the strong pro-Israeli support he had by publicly accusing Israel of acting with knowledge that it struck a United States ship. President Reagan likely could not believe that people in his Administration would resort to a wild ploy of selling weapons to the Ayatollah in Iran. President Bush wanted a war with Iraq and was willing to sell the idea with lies. So why did our leaders lie about the events of 9/11? One need only to look at the consequences of each lie told. The naming of Osama bin Laden as the leader of the attacks gave our leaders a scapegoat that the public could focus on instead of upon our government. The allegations of hijackers taking over airplanes and crashing them allowed our leaders to portray the attacks in an emotional, even numbing way. The identification of passengers with their pictures convinced the public that people really died in airplane crashes. It was again the use of emotion over facts, facts that could not support commercial airplane crashes. The story itself serves as a psychological operation to instill fear in the public about something almost all of us have done: take an airplane flight. The greatest lesson of all is the awareness that anything could happen in the future and that we will not likely receive any warning that our leaders are lying to us. Our greatest gift to ourselves and to others is our ability to think for ourselves. |
AuthorDean Hartwell keeps pursuing the truth about those who govern us. Categories
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