This essay is now part of the book Questions I Wasn't Supposed to Ask
![]() We are about to go through another onslaught of misinformation by much of the media. Here is what we are bound to hear about: The brave passengers on Flight 93 Four hijackings Nineteen members of Al-Qaeda Planes hitting the towers Crazy conspiracy theories debunked Here is the truth: Flight 93 (aka United 93) on September 11 flew toward the West Coast long after its alleged "crash". There have never been any passengers verified for this flight, let alone anyone fighting hijackers. There were no hijackings on September 11. Two of the flights alleged to have been hijacked NEVER EVEN TOOK OFF! As there were no hijackings, there were no hijackings, let alone hijackings by Al-Qaeda. No passenger planes hit anything that day. People like me feel "crazy" listening to lies told by the media. Source: Planes without Passengers (2nd edition) and Rumors Fly, Truth Walks, both by Dean T. Hartwell ![]() Did you wait at the gate with someone for one of the flights that allegedly crashed on 9/11? Are you a survivor of an alleged passenger? Can you provide any proof of passengers on that day? Please reply to this essay. Or email me here and tell me about it. ![]() See the Facebook page for the upcoming book "Rumors Fly, Truth Walks: How Lies Become Our History" due out on January 4, 2014! Author Dean T. Hartwell: (1) finishes off his thoughts about the so-called planes and passengers of 9/11, a topic he has written on in the two editions of Planes without Passengers (2) presents his case of a hoax involving 9/11 planes and passengers in an organized, methodical fashion and uses other hoaxes as historical context (3) says that knowing the truth won't change the world, but the truth is still worth seeking. We may well be able to re-shape society so that leaders have no reason to lie to us! ![]() A recent reviewer of my book Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11 (2nd edition) wrote that the book needs a third edition. He is right. I write this “edition” to distill the message of the first two editions to just one sentence: THERE WERE NO HIJACKINGS ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. In short, the stories of plane hijackings and the use of the planes by hijackers to strike buildings was a complete hoax. So, too, were stories of distressed passenger calls from planes. The more I researched and debated this matter, furthermore, the more it appeared that, with some exceptions, the alleged passengers were manufactured or used identities. Background information on the web are these two essays, the first co-written with Jim Fetzer: “The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What Happened to Flight 93?” “The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What Happened to Flights 175, 77 and 11?” Can anyone disprove my hypothesis? ![]() As a child, there was a phrase I had to say every day… ONE NATION UNDER GOD My kindergarten class says there is a God, but my parents don’t. Why should I recite this pledge? BECAUSE I SAID SO The principal says I must say it. Maybe he is wrong. YOU’RE A LOSER* IF YOU BELIEVE THAT I tried to trust God, but my friend died in a car accident. GOD MUST HAVE HAD A PLAN Then I do not care for God. FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD… Then why does he let innocent people die? HAVE FAITH Faith in what? A God I cannot see? A Bible I read and do not believe? ONE NATION UNDER GOD My nation sends troops to fight wars that make no sense. OUR GOVERNMENT WOULD NEVER DO THAT Where are the weapons of mass destruction? I CANNOT REVEAL MY SOURCES What? SUPPORT THE TROOPS I support the troops coming home and for all of them to stop supporting wars based on lies. THE TERRORISTS DID IT What terrorists are you talking about? I CANNOT REVEAL MY SOURCES Who can I trust? FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD... I give up. Is there something you can tell me not connected to God or country? "RAYMOND SHAW IS THE KINDEST, BRAVEST, WARMEST, MOST WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING I'VE EVER KNOWN IN MY LIFE."** --- *or a communist, a traitor, a conspiracy theorist, etc. **from The Manchurian Candidate, a movie based on the novel by Richard Condon I spoke at the Vancouver Hearings on June 15, 2012 about the alleged planes and passengers of 9/11. Click here to see my PowerPoint presentation.
Read about the 2nd Edition of Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings here!
I know where Osama bin Laden is.
He is at the Gulf of Tonkin, telling us the communists fired on us. He is accidentally erasing eighteen-and-a-half minutes of the Nixon tape. He is pointing the finger at Oswald. He is showing us the weapons of mass destruction. He is declaring Bush the winner TWICE. He is at Kent State shooting those naughty kids. He is refusing to bargain with terrorists as he delivers arms to the Ayatollah. He is “out of the loop” about Iran-Contra. He is not having sex with Monica Lewinsky. He is being greeted as a liberator in Iraq, where he is also turning the corner. He is praising Clarence Thomas as the most qualified Supreme Court candidate. He is choosing Dan Quayle as a serious running-mate. Bin Laden is telling you to listen to your leaders. They never lie, do they? |
AuthorDean Hartwell keeps pursuing the truth about those who govern us. Categories
May 2020