The media has reported ANOTHER tragic Kennedy family death! Actually, two - Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean (center), granddaughter of Robert Kennedy, and her son, Gideon Joseph Kennedy McKean (second from right) have been reported killed in a canoeing accident.
Here is an excerpt of the account given by the widower, David McKean, ""We were self-quarantining in an empty house owned by Maeve’s mother Kathleen on the Chesapeake Bay...Gideon and Maeve were playing kickball by the small, shallow cove behind the house, and one of them kicked the ball into the water...They got into a canoe, intending simply to retrieve the ball, and somehow got pushed by wind or tide into the open bay..."
Risking their lives for a kickball? "Somehow" pushed into the bay? Still no bodies found?
How does this family get so much more than its share of tragedy?
As I read about this, I think about the last chapter of my now-banned book, Planes without Passengers (3rd edition):
"We need to take our history and our current events seriously. No one else is going to do it for us. Not the government, not the media, not the smug people always willing to interject any conversation about either topic with the phrase, “Conspiracy theorists!”
I have said what I believe about what causes big events to happen but I am willing to adjust my worldview. Here are some ideas I ponder as this book goes to press:
I cannot help but wonder why President Carter failed to protest the Reagan campaign’s interruption of his foreign policy, which is tantamount to treason? Did he “stand down” and allow Reagan to win? Did Al Gore do the same?
If that is true, then who are what are we really electing, anyway? Elections perhaps are just staged events.
I have also dug deep about the John Kennedy assassination and am discovering more about them that I had not previously considered. Like maybe they were staged events, as well. By that, I mean that I see the possibility that John (and maybe Robert) Kennedy may have faked his death.
Is that really unthinkable, given what we know about events like 9/11?
To better demonstrate the difficulty of proving even what we think we know, I recommend the works of Miles W. Mathis and the Clues Forum.
If John Kennedy faked his death, did he go underground somewhere, as Mathis suggests? We may have our real government completely away from the public.
We can stop saying that “the government would not do that” or that “someone would have talked.” We can stop our luxury of sacred cows like the Kennedys or Reagan.
We can catch the people who perpetrate fraudulent news stories. Or if we cannot catch them, perhaps we can catch the enablers who repeat stories they know to be false.
How do we do that?
We can cross-examine. We can look for theories that differ from the government and the media tell us. We can stop assuming that the big media gives us all the news “fit to print.”
But most of all, can improve our worldview any time we wish to by simply listening.
Planes without passengers. We all need to unload the baggage of lies we choose to believe before we can board the flight to a better future."
P.S. See my new page on staged events here!