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This excerpt appears in Dean Hartwell's A Fan's Folklore: Six Seasons of Triumph, Tragedy and Tough Luck, available on Amazon
A Fan’s Folklore: Six Seasons of Triumph, Tragedy and Tough Luck
by Dean T. Hartwell The book is out NOW - get it here! I write about my favorite team, the Oakland Raiders of the mid-1970s. They are legendary to me and to the National Football League in which they played. I recount my favorite games, Raider wins and losses. My team is the protagonist in this folklore. Their nemesis, the Pittsburgh Steelers, play the role of the antagonists. Like the mythological character, Sisyphus, the Raiders climb up the hill every season toward the top, only to face the enemy who pushes them back down. Other events and players add to the legend. My feelings of guilt over a player who was paralyzed by a Raider. The death of a favorite baseball player at around the same time. A missed call that cost my favorite baseball team the World Series. I realized that I was writing my own legend. Events in my own memory brought me to the point of writing this book. My burdens in life include a kidnapping, a beating and institutionalization. I do not compare my problems to anyone else's. I simply claim them as my own. At first my experiences conquered me. They were like demons I could not understand or fight against. Then, thanks in part to writing "a Fan's Folklore," I came to understand my value as a person and the importance of looking forward. I started facing my demons and began competing against them as a football team would. The biggest victory is to feel genuinely good about oneself. You become your own legend. Dean Hartwell's fourth book, Facts Talk but the Guilty Walk: the 9/11 No Hijacker Theory and Its Indictment of Our Leaders is now available on Amazon and other retailers. He has also authored Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11, Dead Men Talking: Consequences of Government Lies, and Truth Matters: How the Voters Can Take Back Their Nation.
Dean has a law degree and works for a local public agency in Southern California. Dean Hartwell's new book, Facts Talk but the Guilty Walk: the 9/11 No Hijacker Theory and Its Indictment of Our Leaders, is now on Amazon! Here is a description of it:
Dean T. Hartwell puts into regular-sized font all of his work on the subject of 9/11. Part One is "Indictment of Conspiracy," a chapter of his book "Dead Men Talking: Consequences of Government Lies." Hartwell identifies many of the perpetrators of the crimes of 9/11 and states what they did and with whom they did it. Part Two is the entire book "Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11." Hartwell gives a compelling hypothesis, backed by fact and circumstantial evidence, that the plotters used planes and passengers as props to simulate hijackings and to misdirect the investigation. Part Three is a set of essays on the topic of 9/11 going back to 2005. Among them is "If a Good Man Would Have Talked: the Grand Jury Testimony of Colin Powell," a fictional hearing in which the reader learns the group of people behind the whole crimes. Another essay, "Osama bin Laden Had Nothing to Do with 9/11" is a timely and well-reasoned argument that the United States used bin Laden, first as a partner in fighting the old Soviet Union in Afghanistan, and then as a scapegoat for the events of 9/11. The case that bin Laden actually died shortly after 2001 may come as a surprise to those who think he was killed May 1, 2011! Readers can also get a sense not only of what really happened on September 11, 2001 but how the event was planned. A good essay for this concept is "How the Plotters Scripted 9/11" The brand-new Afterword tells how we, the public, become so easily misled by what our leaders and by what the media explain to us about events like 9/11. Hartwell demonstrates that this tragedy was planned well in advance and had as its foreshadowing events that took place in Iran and other parts of the Middle East over thirty years ago! Here is a sample of the Afterword: "The assumption of Flight 11 led to the assumption of a hijacking, in which terrorists flew this plane (and others) into targets to kill passengers and destroy property. The assumptions right from the beginning conveniently absolved anyone on the inside (government officials and agents) from any wrongdoing. And, after hearing repeatedly in the media about the flights with their numbers and details about alleged passengers, few people were willing to question any of it. There never was a commercial American Flight 11 on that day. Instead, as I point out in Part Two, Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11, a passengerless flight took off from Boston that morning and became identified as Flight 11 on the screens. The real Flight 11 was grounded, hidden in some hanger and available for use for fake airphone calls. The same script was used for the other three planes to complete what became the official version of events. The gist of the story is simple: bin Laden’s people hijacked the planes, all of the passengers are dead and no one in our government knew about it ahead of time or had anything to do with it..." |
AuthorDean Hartwell keeps pursuing the truth about those who govern us. Categories
May 2020