Consider the following facts:
Many of the United 93 passengers were scheduled to be on United 91 but switched within a few days to United 93. The scheduled take-off time for United 93 was only ONE HOUR before United 91. Also, United 93 was making its debut Tuesday flight on September 11, 2001.
Why would so many make a switch to a new flight scheduled to leave just one hour earlier? It raises questions as to who the passengers were and who told them about the new flight.
United 91 never took off, anyway.
How Do We Know The United 93 Passengers Actually Boarded the Plane?
We have evidence of boarding passes and Bureau of Transportation Statistics records of the flight schedule and take off.
How Do We Know That United 93 Did Not Crash in Shanksville?
There is no debris traceable to the specific plane that was United 93 that day. We also have an ACARS indication that the flight was near Ft. Wayne, Michigan a few minutes after the “crash” in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
What Conclusion Can Be Drawn as to the Passengers?
The plane and its passengers landed safely.